Development Work
Campaign for Berkeley
UC Berkeley’s campaign status update website.
Front-End Developer
The campaign for Berkeley site was to highlight that despite the bottom falling out of funding for universities in California by almost 75% that year, we still managed to keep the ball rolling.
- Adapted a parallax template and custom SVG artwork for interactivity
- Integration with izotope.js library
- Responsive desktop and mobile friendly
- Custom slide-scroll section and section animation
The campaign effort has evolved over the years and at one time featured a very successful "Faces of Berkeley" initiative. This site came later, and clearly stated the extraordinary circumstances facing public education at the time, given funding reductions.
A small, mostly informative site, it helped to answer growing concerns flooding in to Cal about how future funding models would work given the reduction in state funding.
This project involved working with a few new technologies, isotope library, interactive SVGs while keeping them accessible, and some custom jQuery slider work.
This site has been upgraded recently.